“Confronting our feelings and giving them appropriate expression always takes strength, not weakness.”
- Fred Rogers
This is about YOU.
Not all that long ago, we were teenagers too, and though the world has changed quite a bit since then, we remember how it was to feel constantly torn between who we were expected to be by family and friends and who we actually were. We felt anxious, misunderstood, frustrated, and, at times, extremely sad and alone, even when surrounded by friends. Are you feeling something similar?
Many teens want so badly to experience a sense of freedom and independence, while at the same time belonging to a group of friends and figuring out their place in their family.
Sometimes juggling the stresses of school, grades, relationships, peers, goals and what may seem like a never-ending drama is just flat out HARD. Being a teenager can be a challenging time marked by anxiety, fear, sadness, shame, and guilt. On the other hand, however…it can also be full of fun, joy, new freedoms and experiences, and connection with others.
Parents, teachers, and coaches are trying to guide you in the best way they know how, though we get it may not always feel like you’re being fully understood or supported in the way you need.
Depression, anxiety, stress, drug abuse, and self-harm are increasingly prevalent among teenagers. Our modern, technological world, coupled with the expectations to perform and succeed, can feel overwhelming and can cause you to lose connection to your own values, beliefs, desires, hopes, and dreams. In turn, this can cause you to act out in ways you later don’t feel so great about.
You’re no longer a child.
But you’re also not an adult on your own.
The good news is – YOU DON’T HAVE TO DO THIS ALONE.
There IS light at the end of the tunnel.
Balance, joy, acceptance, and fulfillment are within your reach. Part of being an adolescent is about exploring boundaries and discovering, “Who am I, REALLY?” The struggle is real, and it’s normal! So many challenges arise when you feel torn between wanting to fit into a group and, at the same time, be authentically you.
We will support you to fully be yourself, while also challenging you when you’re not. This can look a lot of different ways. We may talk it out, walk it out, dance it out, play it out, draw it out, sing it out… whatever works for you to get all that stuff going on inside out into the open, where it’s less of a burden on your heart and soul.
We’re here to guide you out of the immediate problem by learning how to detangle those thoughts, feelings, and actions that are bothering you. We’re also here to help you achieve practical things in your life that you haven’t been able to accomplish.
During our time together we’re going to focus on your world, where you stand in it, and how to become the best version of yourself. By becoming aware of your inner experience, discovering how to resolve inner conflicts, and learning to love yourself, you will see what you’re truly capable of.
We’ll dig through the perceived weaknesses to build on all your awesomeness. We’ll trudge through the darkness and bask in the light. And we’ll do all of this together to find and evoke the best, fullest YOU to share with the world. You can feel balanced and empowered as a teenager with the knowledge of how awesome and amazing you are.